1.1       SPICE Download- Download of SPICE Authorized Clients to SPICE

The downloaded files will be separated by the character ^


Header Record




madatory / optional

CM BP IDCM BP ID of CMmandatory
User IdUser ID of CMmandatory
Number of records in fileTottle Recordsmandatory
Timestamp of creation of fileddmmyyyy Formatmandatory


Detail record




madatory / optional

CM BP IDCM BP ID of CMmandatory
DP IdDP ID of investermandatory
Client IDClient ID of investermandatory
StatusStatus ID of invester, Aceeptedmandatory
POA IDPOA ID of invester, Aceeptedoptional


1.2       SPICE Download- Download Status of SPICE Instructions


Header Record




madatory / optional

CM BP IDCM BP ID of CMmandatory
User IdUser ID of CMmandatory
Number of records in fileTotal Recordsmandatory
Timestamp of creation of fileddmmyyyy Formatmandatory


Detail record




madatory / optional

Batch IDBatch Id of the Instructionmandatory
Transaction NumberTransaction number of the instruction.mandatory
SPEED-e Instruction IDInstruction Id related to SPEED-emandatory
DPM Instruction IdInstruction Id related too DPM mandatory
CM BP IDBP Id of CMmandatory
DP IDDP Id of Investor mandatory
Client IDClient ID of investermandatory
POA IDPOA ID of invester.optional
ISIN ISINmandatory
Market TypeMarket Typemandatory
Settlement NumberSettlement Number mandatory
Execution Datedd-MMM-yyyy format mandatory
Requested Quantity Quantity Requestedmandatory
Settled Quantity Quantity Settled mandatory
Status codeStatus code of the Instructon mandatory
Rejection reason 1Reason code for the rejected Instructionmandatory
Rejection reason 2Reason code for the rejected Instruction mandatory
Rejection reason 3Reason code for the rejected Instruction mandatory
Rejection reason 4Reason code for the rejected Instruction mandatory


1.3       Status code and Description for SPICE Instruction Status Download





00Rejected at DP
03Withheld by DP in Backoffice
04Rejected by DP in its Backoffice
10Received by SPEED-e
11Received by DP
13Received by DP
31Received by DP
32Received by DP
33Waiting for Counter-Party Instruction
34Received by DP
35Closed Partially Settled
37Received by DP
40Waiting for Balances
41Waiting for Balances
55Canceled by DP
99Updated by DP


1.4       Rejection reasons code and Description for SPICE Instruction Status Download





3045ISIN not in valid status
3121Settlement date not equal to system Settlement run date
3166Cancelled - Overdue status
3167Cancelled - Not matched status
3182SI rejected;invalid client id
3333ACA Execution date is same as the instruction execution
3334ADO Execution date is before the instruction execution
3801Invalid client status
9703Rejected due to ACA
3801Invalid client status
3334ADO Exec date is before the instruction execution
3333ACA Exec date is same as the instruction execution
5013Invalid Market Details
5046Your instruction has been received beyond the acceptance deadline
5058Invalid Other Depository ID
5059The ISIN is Partially Freezed.
5060Invalid Target/Source Market Details combination
5061Isin does not exist
5062Invalid CM Id & Market Details Combination
5015Qty should not be in decimals
5045Execution date cannot be Sunday
5003Invalid Execution Date
5058Invalid Other Depository ID
5014Quantity should be greater than zero and less than 999999999999.999
5002ISIN does not exist
5021Pay In Date is Less Than Exec Date
5090You cannot submit an instruction of current execution date after 6 pm IST
from Monday to Friday and 3 pm IST on Saturday
5196NOW Reference Number not found
6000POA Rights not present
7070DP holiday
7071CDSL holiday