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Internet and Mobile Initiatives
Online delivery Instruction Slip
SPEED-e is a common Internet Infrastructure that enables the Depository Participants (Participants) to provide depository services to their clients.
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SPEED-e Users
SPEED-e &IDeAS Users
View your updated Transactions
Clients can view latest balances along with the value based on the previous day closing price in their demat account...

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Beneficial Owner
Clearing Member
Delivery of Contract Notes
STEADY is a facility which enables the brokers to deliver/ submit contract notes to custodians/ fund managers electronically...

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Depository Account Validation
Depository Account Validation
DAN is an secured internet based facility which provides an online interface enabling subscribers to validate DP ID, Client ID and PAN of investors through...
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        Please update your mobile number/email ID/ Income range through your Depository Participant, if not updated earlier. Alternatively, for email ID updation, you may update email ID through our e-Services portal IDeAS (https://eservices.nsdl.com/).        You can use your existing demat accounts for converting your mutual fund units in dematerialised form. Single Transaction Statement for equity shares, mutual fund units etc. For detailed information, contact your DP.*****        Launch of SPICE (Submission of Power of attorney based Instructions for Clients Electronically) on SPEED-e / IDeAS - Facility for Clearing Members to submit instructions (Auto-Payin) on SPEED-e.*****             Your SPEED-e website is now available with a new LOOK.*****              Launch of SIMPLE - Facility for Password Users of SPEED-e to submit instruction through their GPRS enabled mobile phones.******        Clients and Clearing Members can submit Pay-in instructions on SPEED-e till 10.15 am on the Pay-in day.*****
New user registeration

Internet is increasingly becoming an important medium for dissemination of information and conducting business. Enabling transactions through Internet thus becomes essential as a means to provide better flexibility and convenience to clients and further increasing efficiency of settlement of trades in the capital market. Safety of transactions is however, a very crucial issue in Internet based solutions. This assumes significance in case of depository transactions since it involves movement of high-value financial assets across accounts. Further, depository transactions are also time critical. The lapse or failure to deliver the securities in time for pay-in to the stock exchanges may lead to financial liability. Hence, an Internet application for depository transactions necessarily demands an elaborate and robust infrastructure that ensures efficient execution, secured processing and guaranteed delivery of transactions. NSDL offers three e-services based products viz., SPEED-e, STeADY and IDeAS.

NSDL crosses three crore demat accounts
Facility Tour

Please update your mobile number/email ID/ Income range through your Depository Participant, if not updated earlier. Alternatively, for email ID updation, you may update email ID through our e-Services portal IDeAS ("https://eservices.nsdl.com/").

DISCLAIMER All information provided in SPEED-e is obtained by NSDL from sources believed to be accurate and reliable.   read more...